Wednesday, March 7, 2007

A Guide To Discount Treadmills & Used Treadmills

Treadmills are incredibly popular pieces of exercise equipment.They offer multiple benefits such as: + They increase your bodily strength + They build stamina so that you can exercise more and longer + They don't usually take up much space + They are easy to use and require little, if any, instruction + They aren't damaging to the body the way jogging and poundingaerobics can be Unfortunately, treadmills can also be quite expensive - rangingup to a staggering $6,000! However, there is an alternative tothese awesome prices ... the world of both discount treadmillsand used treadmills. Checklist for buying a discount treadmill: You want to minimize the risk of buying a discount treadmill,so beyond the brand, model name & number and the price,consider the following ... 1. Is there a warranty? Frankly, if there is no warranty, westrenuously advise against buying a discount treadmill. Even ifthe warranty is a puny 30 day one, insist on one - or walk outthe door. Then use your treadmill very hard for the duration ofthe guarantee so you can locate any defects. 2. Read any and all reviews you can find on the treadmill youare considering. Especially valuable are online sites thatallow comments from buyers who are not in the business ofselling treadmills because you are much more likely to find anunbiased opinion. Keep in mind, though, that no machine fitseveryone so even excellent machines absolutely will receive anoccasional negative review. 3. Try out your machine personally before buying it. It mightbe too lightweight to be durable, for instance. 4. Are there any additional fees? Often a store will sell thediscount treadmill at a great price - but not mention steepfees for delivery or setup. Checklist for buying a used treadmill: In addition to the concerns mentioned above, like readingreviews and understanding fees, consider these items whenbuying a used treadmill ... 1. Hours of service: you should receive an approximate numberof hours that the treadmill has been used. This will determinehow long you can expect your treadmill to last. so clearly,this is a critical number. Sometimes all you can get is themachine's age so be prepared for this response. And if you discover that the used treadmill was previouslyowned by a gym or fitness center, run quickly for the door. Thehard use of these machines makes them unfit for the next owner.You are only buying yourself enormous trouble. 2. How many owners has your used treadmill had? It is unwise tobuy used treadmills from the second or third owner, even if theyswear the machines are in perfect condition. The truth is thatthey have no idea what happened with the previous owners. Most folks are not qualified to evaluate the condition of anengine and other internal parts, even if they think they are.You do NOT want to be stuck with someone else's problem. The risks and advantages of discount and used treadmills Naturally, there is a risk involved whenever we purchasesecond-hand products of any kind. We can easily notice if ourused our discount treadmill is damaged or defaced in any way.Some kinds of wear aren't so easily spotted, though. If you buy a heavily used, obsolete model, you might expect itto die soon after you buy it. If a treadmill is sold at anyunbelievable discount, it's often because they can't pass aperformance test. The other side of the coin, though, is that you can sometimespurchase a higher quality, brand name treadmill for an enormousdiscount. Considering that treadmills should have a lifespan ofat least five years, you just might get a fabulous deal. If youunderstand what you're looking for, you can minimize the riskand save a good deal of money on a discount treadmill.About The Author: Buying a treadmill is a tough decision. Useour five FREE reports to help you make a smart choice.


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