Thursday, March 15, 2007

Omega 3 Fatty Acids From Pharmaceutical Grade Fish Oil

Fish oil has been proven to be effective in the role of healthylifestyles. You have probably heard on the news, or read in amagazine about how good fish oil can be for you. But what is itabout fish oil and the makeup of fish oil that makes it good forus? What benefits does fish oil have for our bodies? These aresome of the things that will be discussed in this article.Fish oil has certainly gotten a great deal of attention allover the world as a beneficial addition of a healthy lifestyle.There have been studies done by experts all over the world onomega fatty acids from fish oil and what makes it so healthyfor us and its benefits to our bodies.EPA is otherwise known as eicosapentaenoic acid is mostly foundin fish oil. EPA is an omega 3 fatty acid. Unfortunately, mostpeople do not get enough omega 3 fatty acids in their diet.Omega fatty acids can be obtained from eating fish like salmon,cod liver, herring, and mackerel. Consumption of certain fishcan be toxic in large amounts therefore fish oil supplementsare used as an alternative.DHA is otherwise known as docosahexaenoic acid and is alsofound in fish oil. DHA is an omega 3 fatty acid. Some studieshave shown that omega 3 fatty acids have a good benefit to yourbrain and memory. It can help prevent or slow down the processof Alzheimers disease. Low levels of DHA have been associatedwith depression, Bipolar disorder, other mood disorders,Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD), schizophrenia,and anxiety disorders. Our brains are actually made up of mostlyfat, which is why it is so important for us to consume naturaland good fats such as EPA and DHA.DHA and EPA are mostly found in fish we eat. The components infish oil, EPA and DHA can be very beneficial to the body.Studies on EPA have shown that it can also help those withheart disease, help to lower bad cholesterol, skin conditions,and inflammation from arthritis, help balance moods, andincrease better learning. There are so many benefits it isdifficult to list them all. EPA and DHA can help you live ahappier and healthier life mentally and physically.With all of these benefits, why wouldnt you be trying toincrease your consumptions of omega 3 fatty acids? It is nevertoo late to start getting more DHA and EPA into your body tohelp increase all of its good functions so you can live happierand healthier. Studies have already shown that omega 3 essentialfatty acids have an improvement on all of the health problemslisted above. There are studies going on right now, becausethese fatty acids are so important they might have some morescientific answers for other health problems.Promoting and maintaining a state of wellness requires adynamic balance of hormones known as eicosanoids. Eicosanoidsare powerful cell regulators that help maintain virtually allbody functions including the brain, the heart and the immunesystem. Daily supplementation with pharmaceutical grade fishoils rich in the long-chain omega-3 essential fatty acids, EPAand DHA, is critical for maintaining optimal eicosanoid balancethroughout the body.These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and DrugAdministration.This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure orprevent any disease.About The Author: Lori Matthews studies health, nutrition andwellness. She enjoys writing articles on health for both peopleand pets. Please visit for moreinformation.


Anonymous said...

True. I totally agree.

Anonymous said...

Good posts. Keep up the good work.

Anonymous said...

I agree with the former not the latter.